

A moment of peace.

Yes, it's been a long time since I've posted. Mother is still about the same, although she still has swelling in her feet. But my life has been so over the top that I haven't visited. I hope that will change this week.

What has changed already is that I have felt less guilty during the intervening weeks. I really saw last time that she is content where she is. At last, she is home. Not that she doesn't appreciate seeing me, but it was obvious that my presence was interrupting her routine. I guess that could be depressing, but it was freeing in its own way.

I have prayed often about my frustrations and fears and guilt in these days and the words that keep coming to me are that I was there regularly when it mattered most, and that I will be needed again at the end. For now, however, it is okay. Maybe that's just my own justification, but I do feel more peace.

Here she is with Cody, the stuffed, black lab who guards her room so well.

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