
Since the day I learned to hold a pencil, I have been writing. I won a short story contest in Middle School. I had some poetry published in a youth magazine when I was in my teens and in my early twenties broke into the magazine market.
In my late twenties I wrote my first book--a young-adult fantasy novel called The Usher. It came quite close to getting published but ultimately the editor-in-chief said that although it was good, it was not "good enough" for someone with no name recognition. No sale.
I continued writing for magazines with limited success and then after seminary began writing sermons.
By the summer of 2001 my theology had grown to a point where it needed expression in a longer format. So I rented a cabin in the woods of Nova Scotia for a month and wrote Blowing the Lid Off the God-Box. It was 2004 before it found a publisher in Morehouse Publishing and was released in the spring of 2005.
Then it was off to the races. Moerhouse asked for another book, and so I channeled my anger over the re-election of George W. Bush into God's Top 10: Blowing the Lid Off the Commandments. It was released in 2006.
There are no more print copies of God's Top 10 now. You can still get the Kindle version. But fear not, I'm taking the same basic theme of social justice issues and the Ten Commandments and turning it into a four-volume series for use in small groups called Exploring Justice: The Ten Commandments. The first volume will be out in Q2 of 2019. You can find that and my Bible study series under the Curriculum tab on this site.
You can still get print copies of my third book, however. Published in 2009, it was the result of thoughts long percolating from counseling sessions with parishioners. God With Skin On: Finding God's Love in Human Relationships.
My newest effort, apart from the curricula produced for the Massachusetts Bible Society, is New Vision for an Old Story: Why the Bible Might Not Be the Book You Think It Is. Published in October, 2018 by Eerdmans Publishing, this explores the nature of the Bible itself and the ways that viewing the Bible as story (instead of as a legal document or textbook) can help us better see its Truth.